04 May, 2015

Spiritual journey

Off late I have been deeply intrigued by some spiritual theories. Karma, purpose of existence, karmic connection, past life theory, soul family , twin flame.The pray part of eat pray and love novel was also one add on to my curiosity.i read numerous articles to satiate by curiosity, the more I read the more I grew closer to this theories. So fonder I grew that I end up learning so much a myself.May be I have always been like this.a curious kid.with deeper concerns towards life.
Have you ever experienced an situation when you felt that things are totally out of control? When happenings of your life left you totally freaked out? When you try to justify things in every possible way but couldn't do that? Ahan..that's the time to look deeper into things.
An unjustified affinity towards a person-past life connection.
A strong physical attraction towards certain someone -Karmic connection.
A bad things happening to you though you are too good-past karmas
A bad person ruining your life-time to pay his debt.

To be continued...


Whenever you pretend that you don't care,that may be true.
But whenever i pretend that i don't care, that's a lie.
Time will move on but i wanna tell you that
I care for you in my own strange ways.May be you will never know, May be I will never show..
I just want you to know that i care..Yes, i do..